Epilox HS Solvent Free Epoxy Coating System

Solvent Free Epoxy Coating System
Epilox HS is high performance, 100% solids, three component, and solvent free industrial epoxy coating system available in a range of colours.  Epilox HS is designed for floor and wall applications where durability, chemical resistance and abrasion resistance are required.


•    As a low odour very hard wearing and chemically resistant finish coating for industrial, commercial and hygiene area subjected to rigorous cleaning or high wear
•    As an abrasion and chemical resistant floor coating with or without non-skid properties
•    An anti-graffiti coating for high traffic areas such as railway stations, car parks etc.
•    As a mould and bacteria resistant hard finish for wash rooms, shower cubicles, canteen areas and food preparation areas
•    As a high performance new construction or maintenance coating in the food and chemical industries such as… Hospitals, Schools, Pharmaceutical industries, Kitchens, Abattoirs, Dairies, Canneries-Wineries, Warehouse floors, Aviation hangers, Factory floors and Showroom floors


•    100% Solids Epoxy
•    Can be used as a wall, ceiling and floor surface coating
•    Non-flammable, negligible odour and toxicity
•    Has excellent adhesion to most substrates including brick, masonry, concrete block, concrete, compressed fibre board and stone
•    Resists mildew, mould and bacterial growth
•    Withstands steam and chemical cleaning
•    Aged coating may be recoated with minimal re-surface preparation
•    Easy graffiti removal from cured finish
•    Available in a selected range of colours (Consult colour chart)
•    Non taint
•    Australian Made
•    Low VOC
•    Slip Resistance to AS/NZ 4586-1999
•    Able to achieve R10-R13 depending on anti- slip grit used
•    Abrasion Resistant
•    Environmentally friendly